Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gold Coins

Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix All Rights Reserved

Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix All Rights Reserved\
My grandson created his own "craft" project today. He made gold coins
out of a sheet of gold cardstock I had. In this day and age, when
kids want to play video games, be on the computer, or watch tv, it pleases
me to know that simple things, like paper crafts, still entertain them.

I helped him draw the circles. He drew his own designs, and cut
the coins out.  He was upset because he mistakenly made
two coin fronts for one of the coins, until I told him that when
the mint makes a mistake, the coins are often valued more because
of the mistake. This made him happy, and he put the value of $1 million on that one.

Buy Easy Crafts on a Budget for Kids 4 to 104 here:


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